Sunday, August 23, 2009

Email Sharing

Email Sharing

Pag-ibig Ko (My Love)

Hindi ka kailangang magbago
Kahit ito'y mas ibig Ko.
Hindi ka kailangang magsikap nang husto
Upang ika'y ibigin Ko. (You do not have to change, even if this is what I would have wanted. You do not have to persevere, for Me to love you.)

Iniibig kita, manalig ka sana
Ako'y kapiling mo
Kahit ikaw pa ma'y mapalayo.(I love you, trust in Me. I am with you, even if you distance yourself to Me).

Kailan magwawakas ang 'yong pagtatago?
Ako'y maghihintay sa 'yo.
Lumapit ka lamang ang puso Ko'y hagkan;
Pag-ibig ko'y walang hanggan.(When will you stop hiding from Me. I will wait for you. Come to me and kiss My heart. My love for you is everlasting.)

"Yeah, you're right Peter! On faith, there should be no inch of doubt. It is timely because I'm doubting the project I got myself into. I forgot, I just have to put my trust in Him. Just now, I began to enumerate those that are certain. They paled in comparison to the good things to come. Great to see your point of view on the matter." These were my words to my friend Peter. He is currently based in Malaysia. The power of the Internet, really handy.

He wrote me the following: "When it comes to faith, I think there is no room for doubt. However, having some doubts gives us space to be gracious and not to be judgmental. So yes, I do believe doubt can be a good thing."

Last month, my sister began email sharing with me. I was so excited just getting updates from her. She has been living in the States for years now.

We had a different topic. She was telling me this " For me, every time I am so at peace, I know it is His presence that I am experiencing. That, and whenever I feel so much contentment in my life." Then she threw me this question, "How about you, how have you experienced God?"

Wow, that was tough. I wrote back: " Now, you got me thinking with that big question."

I continued by sharing a short story: The other day, on my way to the bank, there was a public vehicle that made a sudden cut in front of my car. We were in near collision. I was surprised my car was not hit. Even the bank guard was saying, I was lucky my car has no damage, not even a scratch, though the distance between the vehicles was a fraction of an inch, no exaggeration. I know I was not alone. I know that God kept me safe. How did I know it was God? It was so unusual. I did not get angry with the driver of the other vehicle. In spite of the near danger, I was not anxious or afraid. I am the nervous type, but this time I have that inner peace. What immediately crossed my mind was God sending His angels to protect me. I immediately had the grace to thank Him.

I realized God is really with us, everywhere and in others. That was the teaching way back in kindergarten. The only difference now is my level of awareness.

If you keep on having conversations with somebody, is it not you get to know more and more about that somebody? You can immediately recognize his voice? You will be able to know with certainty that he is the one responsible for the surprise you got because you know his unique personal style?

This is the same with God, as I see it. We have to know him more and more each day by conversing with Him regularly through prayers or just talking to Him in our own personal way. It is my belief that if I make an effort, He Himself will teach me how to get closer to Him. I just have to pray unceasingly like breathing. Actually, I use the Divine Will prayer which goes "breathe in my breathing, beat in my heart, circulate in my blood." If I offer these things as a prayer, then I get to pray unceasingly.

It was last Sunday that I was touched by an old church song. It is only now that I got aware of the lyrics and what it meant in my life. It is the song above, Pag-ibig ko (My Love). I translated it as I understood it. It was saying that I need not change, that He loves me as I am. Could this be true?

It was so different from what I had in my mind. As I perceived it, I must be saintly good, ever so prayerful, self-sacrificing, a person with no complaints. This is what I should be for Him to accept me. But as the song goes, he is not demanding anything from me, as long as I do not hide from Him. I should come to Him and be with Him to experience His love.

It is like how we are with our children. They can be ugly, bad, hard-headed and hurting us at times, but we continue to love them, giving them what they need to be happy and to be successful. What more with a God who is rightfully our father, Abba Father.

This is the reason that with confidence, I claim "I am a child of God", a powerful line, a powerful prayer.

Let us offer everything to Him, both our joys and sufferings, as a sign of our complete surrender. Acknowledge that we are His.

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the message you sent, it helps me a lot and hope other people too.... little sister in the US
