Friday, October 19, 2012

My Now

A rainbow after the rain . . .

It's been raining endlessly in my life for the past months. Continuous rain eroding my rock, my stability, from trickles of water to raging storms, non-stop dripping days, so it seems.

And then ... there appears ... a rainbow. I claim it as my rainbow of hope.

Through the halting rain, I can see rays of sunlight. Rain will come again, but I will focus on the moment, on the now. Though I still face the damaged and damp grounds, I will look at the beauty of the rainbow, immerse myself in the joy of its bright colors. The past has come to pass, and the troubles of tomorrow I will not drag in today. 

I shall accept the blessings of today and take the pleasures of my "now".

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You Are Where You Are Meant

“May today there be peace within.  May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.  May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.  May you be content knowing you are a child of God.  Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.  It is there for each and every one of us.”  

 - Saint Terese of Liseaux
      Feast Day on October 1

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (January 2, 1873 – September 30, 1897), or Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face born Maydrie-Françoise-Thérèse Martin, was a French Carmelite nun. She is also known as "The Little Flower of Jesus".
Source: Wikipedia

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Mother Teresa says:

Prayer is joy,
prayer is love,
prayer is peace.
You cannot explain it,
you must experience it.
It is not impossible.
God gives it for the asking
"Ask and you shall receive."
The father knows what to give to his children,
how much more the Heavenly Father knows.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

St. Maria Goretti

Maria Teresa Goretti, a poor Italian virgin-martyr, is one of youngest canonized saints of the Roman Catholic Church. She died from multiple stab wounds inflicted by her attempted rapist after she refused to submit to him. Maria had forgiven him though on her deathbed.

Beatification ceremonies were held in the Saint Peter's Basilica in 1947 by Pope Pius XII, while the canonization ceremonies were held in the Piazza San Pietro.

Maria is the patron saint of the youth, of chastity, purity, forgiveness and poverty.
Feast Day - July 6

Friday, June 8, 2012

Something New

"There are only two things that will change your life: either something new comes into your life, or something new comes out of YOU.     
Brendon Burchard 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tested by Trials?

Bo Sanchez shares that "crisis shapes your character".

When you know that only God can save you, it keeps you humble. It removes your pride. It pushes you to seek God. Trials have a way of bringing you closer to God.

Bounce from your trials. Bounce forward. Bounce Godward!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Who Are You In Five Years?

Who are the people you hang around with the most? Do you realize that in 5 years you will be the average of these people -- 
in income growth and contribution?

Larry Gamboa
Author of Think Rich Pinoy

Monday, May 7, 2012

Walking Through The Valley of Darkness

I can't believe I am in this super duper mega painful situation. As in "Aray" ("Ouch").  I have a TMJ disorder that envelopes my left head, face, neck and shoulders n excruciating pain. Painkillers can do nothing. "Nada". "Wale". "Zero".O

But  deeply believe that I can heal my body. I read that somewhere. I prayed hard, really hard, that's all  can do actually. Then I asked others to pray for me. I asked my sister to recommend a doctor. First, I went to the dentist. I took the recommended painkillers. She said nothing's wrong with my teeth. So I continued with the painkillers, but I also applied hot compress, as recommended by a friend dentist.

I then decided to go to a Rehab doctor who prescribed 6 sessions of therapy. I did that too but I went to the dentist to ask her to do anything she can. She recommended a Pulpotomy, whatever that is. It's actually a baby root canal.

Then, I did some research on TMJ treatments. So  learned, I was on the right track. I resumed drinking my vitamins and daily work-out. I had in mind to at least be good to m body for 21 straight days, something achievable for me, then continue if I succeed.

With prayers and actions, I am on the road to healing. And mind you, no more pain after 2 weeks.

Then, I came across this article . . . read on . . .

       I wonder why Jesus asked him that silly question.

Here’s the story. One day, Jesus saw a paralyzed man lying near the pool of Bethesda. The guy has been paralyzed for 38 years. Jesus asked him, “Would you like to get well?” (Read the full story in John 5:1-9)

       I find that…uh, rather strange.

Why ask that question?

       The paralyzed man could have answered, “Helloooo… Is the sun hot? Is the Pope Catholic? Is Bo Sanchez handsome? Of course I want to get well. Goodness, are you blind, Jesus? Isn’t it pretty obvious? When you were a kid, I was already lying here. Before you were born, I was already lying here. I’ve been stuck here for 38 years. My gosh, why wouldn’t I want to get well?”

       But Jesus asked that question because he knew human nature.

Let me shock you: Suffering people are ambivalent. Torn. Confused. Conflicted. Two-minded.

Many sick people aren’t sure if they want to get well. Many poor people aren’t sure that they want to get rich. Many problematic people aren’t sure that they want all their problems to be solved. Many abused wives aren’t sure if they want to get rid of their abusive husbands.

       It’s crazy, but true.

       How do you know if someone is ambivalent? If he gives excuses for not doing what he’s supposed to be doing.

       That’s what the paralyzed guy did. He said, “I can’t, sir, for I have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up. Someone else always gets there ahead of me.” (The people there believed that the pool was miraculous.)

Believe me, I’ve heard the line, “I can’t…” a million times already. I hear it from suffering people who seemingly want to get out of their suffering—but don’t. After saying “I can’t…” they’ll give their excuses.

       Let me give you one example…

 “I Can’t Because…”

I’ve talked to a number of jobless people. Here are the actual statements I heard from them…

o   “I can’t find a job because there are so many others looking for a job.”

o   “I can’t find a job because I don’t know anyone…”

o   “I can’t find a job because I don’t know how to make a bio-data.”

o   “I can’t find a job because I have no one to accompany me.”

o   “I can’t find a job because it’s so hot these days and I’m allergic to the heat.”

o   “I can’t find a job because I lost my cellphone.”

o   “I can’t find a job because I don’t have anything nice to wear.”

       I repeat—Excuses are simply signs that they’re ambivalent. Bottomline, they don’t want a job. At least, they don’t want a job bad enough.

Here’s what I learned in life: If you want something bad enough, nothing much can stop you. Not a million other job applicants. Not the heat. Not the lack of a companion. Not the lack of a cellphone. Not the lack of nice clothes.

       Why are people ambivalent?

Two reasons…

Two Reasons For Ambivalence

       This seems insane—when a suffering person is not sure if he really wants to get out of his suffering or not.

       But there are 2 real reasons for this ambivalence…

1. Suffering Has Become Your Identity

       The paralyzed man had been paralyzed for 38 years. That’s a pretty long time. He saw himself as paralyzed. I bet he couldn’t see himself in any other way—until Jesus came along.

       For many people, their suffering becomes their Safe Zone. They’ve gotten used to the pain. And what is familiar is safe—no matter how painful that situation is.

       Listen to this statement from author Robin Sharma. The most dangerous place is your safe zone. If you want growth in your life, you have to get out of your safe zone. Because your safe zone is the place for dead people.

       At the root of all ambivalence is Fear. What kind of fear? The fear of the unknown.

       No matter how painful suffering is, at least we’re familiar with it. That suffering has become our identity. And once there’s an opportunity to get out of suffering, fear of the unknown grips our heart. Result? We become ambivalent.

       When I converse with the poor in slum areas, I cannot count the number of times I’ll hear these words, “I’m poor”; “We’re poor”; “My family is poor”… It’s a common refrain you’ll hear again and again.

Poverty has become their identity.

Many of them have gotten so used to it, if you give them an opportunity to leave poverty, they’ll not take it. Because they’re afraid at what will happen to them if they lose their identity of poverty.

Here’s my big question to you: What problem has become your identity? The man’s paralysis was his identity. So much so that his mat became his master. His problem ruled his life. His mat controlled him, not the other way around.

What is your Mat?

Jesus said, “Stand up and pick up your mat.” Don’t let that problem control you. Take control of your problem! Take charge of that sickness. Take charge of that debt. Take charge of that situation. Stand up!

       Here’s the second reason for ambivalence…

2. Suffering Has Become Your Income

       Problems have side benefits. Always.

       For the paralyzed man, his paralysis was the reason why he could earn a living as a BEGGAR. For 38 years, his paralysis put food on the table. No wonder Jesus asked him, “Do you want to get well?” In other words, Jesus was asking, “Hey Buddy, if you get well, you’re going to lose your income. You’ll have to change your career. Are you sure you want this?”

       This is a fact. We derive all sorts of income from our problems, not necessarily financial.

       I met a woman who was sick with hypertension, diabetes, allergies, and heart disease. And every year, she’d have a new sickness. She was going to different doctors almost every week, sometimes two or three times a week, for 12 long years.

       After talking to her, I realized she was such a lonely person. She had no real family around her. And here’s my suspicion: She likes getting sick. The only time someone talks to her, or listens to her, or holds her hand, or touches her arm, is when she is sick. Her 6 doctors, all the nurses, and the clinics’ receptionists have become her small community.

       Believe me, she’ll never get well. Unless she finds an “income-replacement”. (I invited her to join me at the Feast each week. So she’ll find a new community there!)

       Here’s my question to you: What income do you get from your suffering? Identify your income. And identity your “income-replacement”. If you don’t, you’ll always have ambivalence. Fear of the unknown will always hold you back.

       Today, I’d want to give you the three steps to get out of your paralysis, three steps to get out of your suffering…

3 Things To Do To Get Out Of Suffering

Are you paralyzed by your problem now?

There’s hope. You can get of your paralysis. You can pick up your mat and walk.

Here’s how…

1. Remove Ambivalence

       Every week at our Feast, I ask people to lift up their list of dreams written in their Novena to God’s Love. (We give this Novena to all first timers for free.)

       Why do I encourage people to pray for their dreams daily?

       Here’s why: Because Abundance is attracted to Clarity.

Not Ambivalence.

       You need to be very clear with what you want. Let the question of Jesus reverberate in your heart.  He asks you, “Do you really want to get well? Do you really want to get out of your suffering? What do you really, really, REALLY want?”

Abundance Will Give Her Heart To

Someone Who Really Wants Her

 Abundance is like a beautiful woman, waiting for the right suitor to win her heart.

Mister Ambivalence shows up at her doorstep, but looks terrible. He’s wearing an old pair of shorts and an ugly shirt. And he smells. He hasn’t taken a bath for a week. It’s clear he hasn’t come to court her.

When Lady Abundance opens the door, he looks at her and says, “Miss, you look interesting.  I think I like you. But I really don’t know. You see, I’m in a complicated relationship with another girl right now. Her name is Poverty and she’s a real pain in the neck.  But I’m not ready to give her up just yet.”

What will Lady Abundance do? She’ll tell him, “Bye!” and shut the door. She’ll drive him away.

And then Mr. Clarity arrives. He looks dashing in a tie. He smells fresh. And he has a red rose in his hand. He says to her, “People told me you were lovely, but gosh, you take my breath away.   This might be too fast, but I have to tell you what’s in my heart. No, I don’t expect you to answer me today, or tomorrow, or next week, or next month. It doesn’t matter. I will wait. But I need to tell you that I will pursue you with all my heart until the ends of the earth. And I have to ask this question in Tagalog… Bangin ka ba?” (Are you a pit?)

Miss Abundance asks, “Why?”

“Nahuhulog ako sa iyo.” (I’m falling for you.)

What do you think will Miss Abundance do? You can bet she’ll be more attracted to Mr. Clarity than Mr. Ambivalence.

Do you want to get out of your suffering? Do you want to get out of your paralysis?

Remove ambivalence. Be unstoppable.

And you’ll get out of your suffering.

Here’s the second step…

2. Restore Authority

       The paralyzed man thought that healing came from the pool. The superstition was that the first person to jump into the water when it starts moving would be healed.

       So far, for 38 years, he’s not been healed. Why? First of all, no one offers to carry him to the pool. Second, he’s never the first guy to dive in when the water bubbles up.

But Jesus told him, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!” In other words, Jesus said, “Forget the pool. Forget about waiting for someone to carry you to the pool. You don’t need the pool. Stop waiting. The power isn’t in the pool. The power is in you.”

       Let me say that again: The power is in you!

       So many people look for power elsewhere. They believe that the solution to their problems depends on someone else.

They wait for the government to help them. They wait for Mommy and Daddy to solve their problems. They wait for a friend to rescue them. They wait for their boss to promote them.

But unless you understand that the location of the power is within you—you won’t get out of your suffering.

       Jesus said, I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. (Mark 11:23)

       You can change the topography of your situation. God has given you the Authority to command the mountain of your problems to move!

       When you believe that the power is within you, you become unstoppable.

And finally, the third step to get out of suffering…

3. Repeat Action

       Psalms 23 says, Even though I walk through the valley of darkness, I fear no evil, for you are with me. (Psalms 23:4)

       Face it. There are many valleys in our lives.  Many places of suffering.

But I love this Psalm because it says that we don’t stay in the valley. We don’t sit in the valley. We don’t stand in the valley. We don’t sulk in the valley…

We walk through the valley.

       I love the illustration of walking because walking is a repeated action. Walking is putting one foot in front of the other foot. If you want to get out of suffering, you have to keep on doing the right thing again and again until you walk out of the valley.

          Jesus told the paralyzed man, “Walk.”

For 38 years, this guy has never walked. He was rusty. I can imagine how clumsy it must have been at the start.

His toothpick legs were wobbly.  Shaky. Unbalanced.  People probably held him up so that he wouldn’t fall. But he took that first wobbly step. And he took another step. And another… Until he walked out of his suffering.

To walk out of your suffering, you have to keep on doing the right thing again and again.

Are you jobless right now? Do the right thing again and again until you walk out of the valley. Keep developing yourself. Keep training yourself. Keep applying. 10 companies, 20 if necessary.   Don’t stop. Soon, you’ll walk out of the valley.

Are you buried in debt? Do the right thing again and again until you walk out of the valley. Don’t borrow again. Keep paying your debts. Keep living simply. Don’t stop. Soon, you’ll walk out of the valley.

Be Unstoppable

Let me repeat my big question to you: Are you unstoppable?

       The reason why you don’t have what you say you want is because you don’t want it bad enough.

       You say you want a strong relationship with your kids. But do you want it bad enough, you’ll do anything to make it happen? Like spending more time with them? Like giving up golf, TV, computers, games—so you could hang out more with your kids? Do you want it bad enough that you’re willing to humble yourself before your kids to ask forgiveness from them?

       You say you want to become wealthy.   But do you want it bad enough? Will you live simply so you can invest every month? Will you be willing to sell and be rejected? Will you get training? Will you read the right books, attend the right seminars, and seek out the right mentors?

       You say you want to be healthy. But do you want it bad enough? Will you do anything to achieve it? For example, will you eat the best nutritious food? Will you walk everyday?

       Remove ambivalence.

       Be clear with what you want.

       Be unstoppable.

       And walk out of the valley.

       May your dreams come true,
       Bo Sanchez

Monday, April 30, 2012

Keep on Bouncing

With the painful situation I am currently in, I can't help but post this article which seems to be a perfect message from the Lord for me today. It is written by one of my favorite inspirational  writers, Bo Sanchez.

 Will You Break or Bounce?

Haven’t you noticed?
Many of your problems don’t disappear overnight.
Your pimples don’t disappear overnight. Your dandruff doesn’t disappear overnight.  Even your husband doesn’t disappear overnight (and reappear as John Lloyd).
Here’s the truth: Life isn’t a straight road. It isn’t a smooth path. In fact, life has many potholes. Small potholes, medium potholes, large potholes, and super, extra, mega, ultra, gigantic, humongous, massive, nuclear-bomb-crater potholes.
And when you fall into one of these gigantic potholes, you have a choice. You can either break. Or you can bounce.
       I’ve got news for you: God created you to bounce.
Some people don’t know this. So when they fall, they break. They stay down.  They give up. They throw in the towel. They quit.
Perhaps you’re having a hard time in your life right now. Perhaps you’ve been experiencing excruciating trials.  Perhaps you have many problems bullying you now.
Here’s my message—The harder you fall, the higher you bounce! Let me tell you why…
Dark, Dirty, and Dangerous
          Last year, I was studying about gold mines.  One guy told me, “A gold mine has 3 D’s. A gold mine is dark, dirty, and dangerous.”
       First of all, there’s a lot of darkness. You can’t see a thing. He said, when you mine for gold, you have to go down as much as 3000 meters deep into the earth.   There’s no sunlight down there. But that’s where you find gold.
       Second, there’s lots of dirt. That’s why when you mine for gold, you won’t look pretty. You won’t look neat. You won’t look hip. Instead, you’ll sweat like a dog. You’ll smell like a horse. You’ll look like a pig. But that’s where you find gold.
       Third, there’s lots of danger. He said, when you mine for gold, you may get hurt.  You may get burned. You may get sick. You may even die. But that’s where you find gold…
Your Pothole Is Really A Gold Mine
       I’ve got an announcement to make: If you feel like you’re in a super-mega-extra-ultra pothole, then I’m sure it’s also dark, dirty, and dangerous. Then that means it’s not a pothole. It’s also a goldmine.
       In a goldmine, you’re surrounded by gold! The problem is that you can’t see the gold because it’s covered by darkness, dirt, and danger.
       I remember my friend Roy Pasimio. He was in a pothole/gold mine a few years ago.
       He was describing to me that moment when he learned that his daughter Gemma had cancer. At that time, he was on a mission trip in a foreign country. Away from his family and friends, he walked alone to a church, sat down in front of the altar, and just wept. Roy—a dedicated missionary for 20 years—couldn’t even pray. At that moment, he felt thick darkness envelope his life.
        If you feel like Roy right now, if you feel like your life is covered in darkness, and everything doesn’t make sense, don’t be afraid. The darkness and dirt and danger in your life only means you’re in a goldmine. 
       And that means you’re surrounded by gold.
       Roy Pasimio discovered his gold. The cancer of Gemma brought them together. Today, the entire family now serves God. And yes, Gemma is now healed of her cancer.
       Do you have a lot of problems today? Here’s my message: The more problems you have, the more gold you have. Every problem that you have will transform into gold.
       That is why we can say, “All is well…”
All Is Well!
       This story happened many years ago in Africa.
       A King had a friend whom everyone called Sunny because he had a very sunny outlook in life. No matter what happened to him, whether good or bad, he’d always say, “All is well!”
       If the sun was too hot, he’d say, “All is well! This sun is a blessing.”
       If rains fall like cats and dogs, cows and carabaos, triceratops and t-rexes, he’d still say, “All is well. The rain is a blessing.”
       One day, the King and Sunny went hunting. And in the hunting trip, Sunny’s job was to load the rifle and give it to the King. Sunny loaded the gun in a wrong way because when he gave it to the King, it fired by itself—and blew off the King’s thumb.
       The King screamed in pain. And in his rage, he sent his friend Sunny to prison.
       Many months later, the King was hunting again. But he hunted in a dangerous jungle where cannibals lived.
       True enough, the cannibal tribe captured the King, tied him up, and hung him in a tree. And they lit a fire beneath him.
       That was when one of the cannibals noticed that the King had a missing thumb. These cannibals had taste: They didn’t like to eat leftovers. In their minds, someone ate his thumb—and didn’t like it—and so didn’t eat the rest of his body. 
So they released the King and he walked away unharmed.
       As the King walked home, he remembered his friend Sunny in jail—and regretted sending him there.
       When he visited his friend in jail, the King told the story of how having a missing thumb saved him from the cannibals. He then said to Sunny, “I’m so sorry for sending you to jail….”
       Sunny smiled and said, “All is well! Prison was a blessing.”
       The King was shocked by his answer. “How could you say All is well? You got stuck here in jail for one year!”
       Sunny said, “If I wasn’t in jail, I would have been hunting with you today. And I don’t have a missing thumb!”
       It’s so difficult to say, “All is well” when trials come upon our lives. But that’s the truth. No matter what happens, believe that all things will work for good to those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)

Jesus Bounced
I love the Easter story.
On Good Friday, Mary Magdalene fell on a gigantic pothole—and in her mind, even when it was a Sunday, she thought it was still Friday. On Good Friday, she saw Jesus die—and all her hopes died with him.
Perhaps you’re like Mary Magdalene.   You’re grieving right now because you’ve lost something. Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one. Or you’ve lost your health. Or you lost your job. Or you lost your hope.
On Easter Sunday, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to grieve. The Bible says, Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb.
She went to the tomb because the reason for her grief was in the tomb. But that was because she thought it was Friday. She didn’t know it was Sunday. Because on Sunday, the reason for her grief was gone.
Let me speak to you: Today may be Friday in your life, but your Sunday is coming. A day will come when you’ll go to the tomb to grieve as usual, only to find out that the reason for your grief is gone.
On your Easter, God will remove the reason for your grief.  God will remove that lack in your finances. God will remove that pain in your relationship.
What am I saying?
       On Easter Sunday, Jesus bounced.
       He was supposed to be finished. Dead. Lost. Failed. Defeated. 
       But Jesus was unbreakable. From the grave, He bounced.
       The Bible says that the same power that caused Him to bounce is the same power that is at work in you. You too can bounce from the grave. You too can bounce from your defeat. You too can bounce from your failure.
       My dear friend, Bounce.
       Shout it out: All is well!
       May your dreams come true,
       Bo Sanchez

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Life's Battles

Huhuh,  I ache.

My face ache, feels like the whole right side of it.

I went to the dentist 3 days ago to have my teeth checked, but she said they're ok. She believes my problem is TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.

I will continue to pray to the Lord to fight this battle of aches and pains for me.

What are the symptoms?

TMJ pain disorders usually occur because of unbalanced activity, spasm, or overuse of the jaw muscles. Symptoms tend to be chronic, and treatment is aimed at eliminating the precipitating factors. Many symptoms may not appear related to the TMJ itself. The following are common symptoms.

Headache: Approximately 80% of patients with a TMJ disorder complain of headache, and 40% report facial pain. Pain is often made worse while opening and closing the jaw. Exposure to cold weather or air-conditioned air may increase muscle contraction and facial pain.

What is the temporomandibular joint?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the area directly in front of the ear on either side of the head where the upper jaw (maxilla) and lower jaw (mandible) meet. Within the TMJ, there are moving parts that allow the upper jaw to close on the lower jaw. This joint is a typical sliding "ball and socket" that has a disc sandwiched between it. The TMJ is used throughout the day to move the jaw, especially in biting and chewing, talking, and yawning. It is one of the most frequently used joints of the body.

The temporomandibular joints are complex and are composed of muscles, tendons, and bones. Each component contributes to the smooth operation of the TMJ. When the muscles are relaxed and balanced and both jaw joints open and close comfortably, we are able to talk, chew, or yawn without pain.

We can locate the TMJ by putting a finger on the triangular structure in front of the ear. The finger is moved just slightly forward and pressed firmly while opening the jaw. The motion felt is from the TMJ. We can also feel the joint motion if we put a little finger against the inside front part of the ear canal. These maneuvers can cause considerable discomfort to a person who is experiencing TMJ difficulty, and doctors use them for making the diagnosis.

What are TMJ disorders, and how are TMJ disorders caused?

TMJ disorders are a group of complex problems of the jaw joint. TMJ disorders are also sometimes referred to as myofacial pain dysfunction and Costen's syndrome. Because muscles and joints work together, a problem with either one can lead to stiffness, headaches, ear pain, bite problems (malocclusion), clicking sounds, or locked jaws. The following are behaviors or conditions that can lead to TMJ disorders.

   1. Teeth grinding and teeth clenching (bruxism) increase the wear on the cartilage lining of the TMJ. Those who grind or clench their teeth may be unaware of this behavior unless they are told by someone observing this pattern while sleeping or by a dental professional noticing telltale signs of wear and tear on the teeth. Many patients awaken in the morning with jaw or ear pain.

   2. Habitual gum chewing or fingernail biting

   3. Dental problems and misalignment of the teeth (malocclusion). Patients may complain that it is difficult to find a comfortable bite or that the way their teeth fit together has changed. Chewing on only one side of the jaw can lead to or be a result of TMJ problems.

   4. Trauma to the jaws: Previous fractures in the jaw or facial bones can lead to TMJ disorders.

   5. Stress frequently leads to unreleased nervous energy. It is very common for people under stress to release this nervous energy by either consciously or unconsciously grinding and clenching their teeth.

   6. Occupational tasks such as holding the telephone between the head and shoulder may contribute to TMJ disorders.


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Take Me To Heaven

My dear Mother joined our Creator today.

As the song goes . . .

Take me to Heaven, O Lord,
Because to die is certainly better,
To stay with YOU . . .


 Photo taken at the Monasterio of the Risen Christ in San Jose, Tarlac.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Signal Graces

Whenever I see a white butterfly or white flowers, I claim God is speaking words of peace and joy to comfort me and cheer me up. These are signal graces I get from praying the rosary.

Signal Graces are signs sent by God to help us make the right decisions in life. Moses saw a burning bush as a sign from God, and other people received signs from God daily. Signal graces usually come about as subtle hints to help keep us moving in the right direction - these signs are truly gifts from God. Remember - there is no such thing as a coincidence, everything happens for a reason! By praying the rosary you will be more conscious of the way that God tries to help you and speak to you every day.
Source: The Rosary Foundation

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Do Not Be Disturbed

"Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear that sickness, nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who am your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within my fold? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything." (Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego)