Sunday, July 18, 2010

Worry Wart? Me?

" Don't worry about me, I'm just a worrier". My younger sister, Zinnia (a cute little worry wart), sent me a message on FB, and that's what it says.

Well, who isn't troubled nowadays, huh? Just try running down in your mind the things you should have done yesterday or a week ago, the things to do today and tomorrow and next week. You can actually feel a weight somewhere. Opening your mail and seeing unread messages that surely meant requested action and responses make a vein in your forehead twitch.

I just look around the house, at the stacked dirty dishes or the piled laundry or I just stand in front of my cabinet and that of my sons', surely that will make my head start to spin, and these are not even the big problems, just the usual daily challenges.

Don't be overwhelmed. A big NO to being frozen to inaction. Just tackle the tasks one at a time. Break-up the challenges to bite-size actions and celebrate little victories. These are things I tell myself.

This help me survive each hour, hahah.

At times, I even get worried when I have nothing to worry about. Crazy me.

Cynomolgus monkeys at the Batu Caves of Malaysia

When we visited Mamu, she's doing better after being confined for low WBC count as an effect of her chemo therapy. Her CBC result is okay now. Super! I do know how to count my blessings. It definitely feels good and with that comes thanksgiving.

My son got a card for Mamu. Written on the card that he chose were very inspirational words . . .

You've definitely got it, the deep-down strength it takes to make it through tough times, rough times, and all the "why me?" times . . . just believe in YOU.

So why worry, try kneeling down . . . still talking to myself.

Do Not Worry

"The Lord is teaching us not to over-worry about so many things," the priest was saying at church today.

Well, who has "zero" worry or problem, right? Each of us has a burden to carry but how each of us carry the burden is where the difference lies.

Some sayings that I practice (but struggles at times too, okay . . .)

Do not feed your fears.
Bo Sanchez

I've developed a new philosophy... I only dread one day at a time.
Charlie Brown (Charles Schulz)

The problem of life is to change worry into thinking and anxiety into creative action.
Harold Walker

More quotations on "worry, worry" . . .

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.
Charles Kettering

I've seen many troubles in my time, only half of which ever came true.
Mark Twain

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.
Benjamin Franklin

Troubles are a lot like people, they grow bigger if you nurse them.
Author Unknown

Bible verses ready for us to claim (inserted in my prayers) . . .

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you the right way.

Psalm 23:4
Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid Lord, for You are with me.

Psalm 55:22
Leave your troubles with the Lord, and He will defend you.

Psalm 121:1
I look at the mountains; where will my help come from? My help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let you fall; your protector is always awake.

John 14:1
"Do not be worried and upset," Jesus told them. "Believe in God and believe also in Me."

Matthew 6:31
So do not start worrying: Where will my food come from? or my drink? or my clothes? Your Father in heaven knows that you need these things. Instead be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what He requires of you, and He will provide you with all these other things. So do not worry about tomorrow, it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings.