Thursday, January 3, 2013

Blessed in the Midst of A Crisis

Today, I had to bring my son to the Heart Center for check-up due to chest pain he had on New Year's Day. He underwent ECG then the next day, 2D echo (as if I know much on these things, I just want the results to show "Negative" for anything).

We came early and we had to wait for more than an hour. Usually, I get so uneasy waiting, believing that my time is wasted. Today, I grabbed a book from the doctor's shelf and did not mind waiting. I was able to finish the whole book then the doctor arrived.

Am I not so blessed? This was running in my mind. The book was by one of my favorite authors, Bo Sanchez, God is Bigger Than Your Biggest Problems: Let Him Meet Your Deepest Needs in Five Specific Ways.