I was ready to sleep, with my eyes closed, lying flat on my back, silent, not moving a twitch, just thinking . . . thinking.
Thank you Mamu is undergoing chemo therapy . . .
Thank you for the these medical technologies . . .
Thank you for these latest medicines that give healing . . .
Thank you for able doctors and nurses and hospital staff . . .
Thank you for this hospital that offers these medical treatments in our country . . .
Thank you for the capability to avail of these services in various ways possible . . .
Thank you for government benefits that help in a way . . .
Thank you for family and friends that show their support in their own personal way . . .
Thank you for Mamu's fellow community members that pray for her and visit her . . .
Thank you for Mamu's strength physically, emotionally and mentally to undergo treatment . . .
Thank you for the cheaper and faster methods of communication . . .
Thank you for a big God that handles our big problems . . .
Then, I fell asleep like a baby.
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