Blessings to you! Yes, I say a prayer for you, for I have been receiving blessings in enormous ways.
Things have been happening in strings. How do I start?
It was early this year that I have been experiencing a number of slaps on the face of my life. Have you been in a similar situation?
We just can't explain why we tend to call on Him, specifically when we do get heavy with problems. And you know how it is, when it rains, it pours. Concerns, issues, pressure, stress, knots of all sort, even illness, seem to bury you alive. Whew! Still you are alive. Bad seed maybe?
So what did I do in times of crises? I knelt down and pray. Things got overwhelming, so I decided to surrender everything to Him, to keep sane. I started going to church. Initially, I just drop by to say a little prayer, then my visits happened on a regular basis, I even started to hear mass. Since I was only squeezing the activity in my schedule, it turned out I was always late. I proceeded to the adoration chapel, on the sides, to compensate for my being tardy.
Inside the chapel, I brought the documents concerning one my heaviest burdens, then. I remember a bible story about a King who brought a letter to the temple. The letter was from his enemy, who was threatening to conquer him. The King asked the Lord for help. The Lord, in deed, gave him victory.
So, I held on to this knowledge, claiming that help would come. I have a small prayer in my wallet that I started to recite. It was the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I told myself, I will pray this to solve at least the heaviest of my burdens.
The Chaplet includes the 3 o'clock prayer, the one seen on TV at 3 pm. However, saying it daily and at 3 o'clock, is a challenge, dear. Of course, I failed in my attempts, until I decided to say it when I remember to do so, even if it's not at 3 o'clock.
Little by little, I was able to say the prayer daily, but still not at 3 sharp. On top of this, I found myself hearing mass, also daily, even if I was late.
I then, decided to complete the Novena for nine consecutive days. I did!
I am sure you are interested to know what happened to my burden. It did not disappear right away after the Novena, but it started to feel light, until I can no longer feel it. I continued praying the Chaplet and the Novena. My strategy was to memorize the Chaplet and set the alarm of my cellphone at the hour of great mercy, at 3 pm. I have equipped myself to succeed in this aspect. I also left a folder of prayers and information about the Divine Mercy at the chapel so that others may, in time, start their devotion to the Divine Mercy. Some did.
May God in His time and ways, touch you as He has touched me. Again, I say, blessings to you!
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